United Kingdom manufacturers keen to find their feet in the Indian market India now trades with the UK with a totally new way and wants a treatment which is based on equal terms. No matter how much criticism I can throw on India but one thing has to be praised for sure that they have […]

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By leaving EU Britain will have to face tougher rules of trade Start looking at the old days of East India Company and then the present times. How much have changed and how many positions exchanged. Indians are witty but in a positive way. They are beneficial to their country and the right leadership has […]

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The UK in another uncertain condition, will there be a way out The reason for not having a proper withdrawal deal is what raising the present situation. The Conservative party which started the Brexit concept and help referendum has now become uncertain of the whole scenario and not supporting the cause the leading party is […]

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Air Cargo Traffic to India has been increasing steadily for many years Theresa May served very bravely and did whatever she was able to do for the country. But politics is politics and majority prevails at the end. Fate has been a little harsh on her. It is not that she has not tried, but […]

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Unexpected situations lead to many uncertain positive surprises Whatever anyone has to say about this whole Brexit affair there is no denying the courage Theresa May is showing. She is a true fighter who wants to have her goal achieved no matter how she does it. The parliament did not agree to the way PM […]

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15Apr 2019

PM fails the second time in an attempt to convince the MPs for the deal Tick tok tick tok the clock is running the time margin is lessening and the tension increasing. But this is obvious when things are done at the eleventh hour. PM Theresa May is trying hard to get an agreement on […]

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Vast Indian lands require proper planning to be accessed The UK is one of the leading trade partners of India and has a long history regarding this area. But this does not mean that accessing Indian lands is an easy task for UK companies. They still have to do the homework right and then establish […]

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The traits to look for in a company when choosing a service provider There are a lot of companies around which promise the safe delivery of your cargo to India from UK. But which is the actual one on which you can trust and have an updated track of what is happening to your parcel […]

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Has India succeeded in getting what they wanted from the UK? Many a time things do not go as planned and you have to give up on something to gain higher goals. The UK was firm not to give any more provisions to India regarding the visa policy for students. The words were that Britain […]

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There are positive signs of a better trade position for the last two years Well if the above statement is true then the initiative taken by PM Theresa May should be a success in the coming days. Why not then the fellow politicians understand what they are losing when not supporting the bold step.  Foreign […]

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